Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 20...Runner's underwear

Ok, I need some tips here...what kind of underwear are best when running. For that matter...what kinds of clothing is good for running. I can't wait until I'm fit enough just to run in a fitted tank and running capri's :)

I'm was thinking, now I'm pretty sure I'm going to do the Spokane Indian's 8k race. I know it is soon and I've only started running, but I'm excited and I want to start somewhere! I can walk if I need too...Run and walk it, that's what I'm going to do. We even get free tickets to the Spokane Indian's game that night. They have a 1k for the kids too and I'm going to sign them up because I really want my kids to just think running is fun!


  1. Awesome that you are going to do the 8K!! Great Goal!! And great for the kids too!!!

    As for what to wear.. go for comfort. Not baggy bulky.

  2. I would get running shorts. They have underwear already in them and they are so comfy.
