Thursday, September 9, 2010

Back to Day 1.... :-( or :-)? or maybe :-|

Hello you all!
I know it has been a loooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnngggggg time, but let me reassure you that all is not lost.
Here is how things have been going. Last time I wrote...I was struggling...things were hit and miss. Then I went on my girls weekend to a cabin out by Battle Ground, WA.... when I got home....I stayed in vacay mode and didn't exercise. A week went by.... I told myself I would start again. I got encouragement from my pals that everyone needs to rest a I told myself, I would start again on Monday. Monday came and went...Tuesday came and went...and before you know it...the next week was gone. :( Booooooo I felt like such a loser. I was so scared that I gained all my weight back, if not double! I got brave by Wednesday... (2 1/2 weeks later) and weighted myself..... I was down 2 more lbs!!! I was weighing 208!!!!!!!!!!!! Holler! boy did that get me back on track!!! I promised myself I would run at least a mile a day starting Sept. 1. well I started that on 8/31. I ran 8/31, 8/31 and 9/1. Ran at least a mile and walked/jogged like .5. I was doing about 1.5 in 20 mins! Felts super awesome. Then this last weekend came around...I didn't do squat. Yesterday I was laying in bed craving chocolate something fierce..... but I FORCED myself to run. So I did it. And I did it again today! Yay! I just need to improve my eating habits now. Stop with the fast food...and start counting my calories again... Right now I feel like I'm exercising well, but just maintaining my weight, but physically, this is not were I need to be. I need to lose about 50+ more lbs then play the maintain game.

Once again, thanks everyone for your support and encouragement. It helps so much. I was really embarrassed to start this again... but here I am. I missed it.

No lunch for you this time J :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 60..what I need

This is what I need.... and what I'm enjoying...
Friendly nudges from my friends to keep it going.. :)
and to once in awhile have some fries and gravy...LOL

Ok, only kinda kidding. I wanted to say, that I really appreciate the friendly nudges to get to blogging when I lag for a couple of day or a week...haha

I ran today on my lunch. Ran about 1.3 and walked another .5. It felt really good. You know what is strange about me? I cannot just walk on a treadmill.... I feel like treadmills are for running, if I wanted to walk, I would go outside and enjoy the scenery...LOL Treadmills are to get the job done as fast as you can! LOL A co-worker of mine was in the work out room while I was and he kinda teased me later saying I was kicking butt in there....
And guess what else.... I was wearing my work out gear (t shirt and basketball shorts, nuthin' too fancy) and some one else told me I was starting to look like an athlete!!! hahaha He didn't even know about my blog, or my wish to reach that goal!!! So Boo yah to that fat lady that said, "you know us Latin girls...." LOL

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 59....too comfy

Let me start off by saying...
I went to Zumba again with Ang on Sat...(fun)
I walked Tuesday (yesterday) and today.... :)

I had to say that so at least you all knew in the last 8 days I've done some type of physical activity.

I ate terribly 2 days in a row last week...and on the second day..I honestly felt sick to my stomach, then I thought to myself...geez, imagine, I used to eat like this all the time! It didn't feel good. But since then, I haven't really eaten healthy... I've just not really eaten... Like I'll eat bad once a day and end off with a bad snack... I need to find my happy eating place again!

I titled this too comfy, cause I've been here before..thinking that being 208-210 is ok. It's not...I'm not happy with that. I need to get with it!

Fruits and Veggies... taking the time to plan stuff out. That's is what will lead to successful eating in the next few days. I've also been avoiding the scale. Maybe next Friday I'll weigh myself again.

Walking again tomorrow.

I really want to join the Y.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 51...biggest loser

After doing Zumba on Saturday I realized that running isn't the only way to go. I really liked that class and exercised for 1 hour! I also was sweating like crazy! That always feels good.... I really like sweating when I'm working out..I feel so accomplished when that happens.

I didn't work out yesterday, but I did do the biggest loser, cardio max this morning. Lots of lunges in that workout....sore hips and thighs! But I like it!

Gil and I had a conversation last night after his softball game, and we know we have to keep going. We have to get down to a healthy weight and keep up the physical activity. The best thing about's not that hard! I know we are on the right track to keep it off.

How workout is already done for the day!!! :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 49...side view

I think that working at Pier 1 counts for some sort of exercising. We are on our feet the whole time walking around the store, except for our break time... we also do some lifting.. :) So that is my exercise for today. I work from 330-730 tonight. I took a glance at myself in the mirror in the bathroom today, and I liked what I saw! My arms don't look at big as they used to! I don't know if it was the bra I was wearing, but I liked my side view for once! I usually cringe at it! :) All of this physical activity also makes for better posture!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 48... Zumba

I went to Zumba this morning at the downtown Y and it was a lot of fun! It was funny because I felt like I didn't know how to dance. It was like one big baile! Like you were dancing cumbias for an hour! :) I really enjoyed seeing all the different body shapes and sizes. Even the instructors were all shapes and sizes. I give them credit for being able to let it all out doing Zumba. The hip moves were a little difficult for me...hehe
Thanks for taking me Ang!

It also feels good to change up the work out a bit, and also to have my workout done for the day.

I think my family and I will have to join the Y for the winter..that will solve my winter exercising dilemma.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 47... personal goal met

I met my personal goal for this week today! 210 baby!
I'm so excited.
I went for a looooong walk with Terri today on lunch break. It must have been a little more than 2 miles. It was such a nice day to walk through the park.

Emma told me today, "Mommy you could almost have a baby in your tummy." I said, "Emma no I can't." ..She said, "Mommy I said Almost..." Hmmm, I guess that means in her eyes my belly is going down? Ugh.

I am going to do Zumba tomorrow with Ang, wish me luck, I hear it is an hour class. I haven't exercised for one hour yet...45-50 mins has been the tops.... yikes!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 46... Goals can be achieved

I did my run today...1.5 on the work treadmill. Like I said before it's good to have one at work. I was trying to convince my sMom that I need the one they have at their house..LOL It was a no go... I guess I may have to try to save up and get one for the house. We have weights here at the house and I want to start lifting a little bit. I'm excited to go to Zumba with Ang on Saturday! Wee Hoo! I was going to wait until tomorrow to weigh myself...but I couldn't wait, I went to Group Health and checked...mind you this was fully clothed in the early evening... 213! HOLLER!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 45....belly fat

I dislike my belly fat. I can tell my body is changing and I'm very glad for that. I wish the rest of my body would catch up to my legs!
It was a beautiful day in Spokane today and my friend Terri and I went for a walk. Today was my down day just to walk a couple of miles. We were talking and one rock bottom I forgot to mention when I first started this was.... when I started being okay with wearing Gil's t-shirts...not okay...LOL Oh man...was that ever a bad decision. I even had my "uniform" that I would wear everywhere that wasn't work.... Yankee's T-shirt (not bad if it was a cute M instead of a big XX or XL) and yoga pants...ugh. I was so sick of that outfit! Alas, I couldn't fit anything else!
It's so funny....I'm down about 15-16 lbs since I started and I can't believe what a big difference that small amount of weight loss has made! I feel more confident....sexier... It feels wonderful! For once in my life I'm enjoying dieting...maybe because it's not really dieting but being aware of my body and health. I'm so glad I realize that now. Gilbert is right there with me and I can see the difference in his appearance and also in our relationship.... ♥

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day44...treadmill vs. outdoor

I went for my run today. I was going to run outside (which I love to do), but it was HOT, so I decided to run on the treadmill at work. I am very, very fortunate that I work by Riverfront Park to enjoy that run...and we have a work out room at work.. :) Yay! I think it is easier to run on the treadmill, but I feel more accomplished when I run outdoors. I just wish I weren't so freaked out about dogs. :( I plan my run on a route where I think there will be none of that... ugh. I wish I could just get over it.
I am also very terrible at stretching...double ugh.

I'm really happy to be back at writing on this blog everyday. I really get a lot of encouragement and I want whoever reads this to know that. I am happy with this journey that I am on. I see a trend on facebook that a lot of people getting in shape, taking care of themselves! I'm very happy to be there with you!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 43...a walk's as good as a run?

Today my run was a little harder than usual..I even had to drag myself out there. I also kept looking around for dogs..:( I don't know why I freak myself out like that. I do feel pretty good that since I've taken up running, I really felt like I've made the most of the nice weather!
I really dislike shin splints..I spent most of my run concentrating on my stride. I walked a bit more than usual. I don't like that.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 42...still 215

I spent the last 12 days with writer's block thinking of excuses of why I wasn't exercising or writing in here... I came up will all kinds of stuff... None felt as good as when I first started this blog and really tracked my progress and really held myself accountable. I have been exercising somewhat, I have my lunch time run route to Riverfront park and through GU campus (Where I have seen a snake and a freakin' hedgehog) My friend Terri and I are even going to walk that route at least 1-2 times a week!
I was bored tonight and I was laying in bed (my old bad habit) so I took that and went for my run. I now do 2 miles... :) I run about 1 3/4 of the time...only taking a walk break for a bout a short block if I really need it.
So, here I am, still feeling GREAT, happy to be back on it... I am excited to start writing here everyday again. It just doesn't seem to work any other way! BTW, I'm still at 215 surprisingly, this tells me I know how to keep it off....and that's not just to keep working hard to get the rest off!

Here's to being healthy and getting fit!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 30...Mental Hiatus

I'm back! I wasn't feeling well, took a couple of days off and it ended up being a week! :( I didn't exercise for this whole week. I weighed myself and I gained 2 lbs. Gil and I went to Robbie Medrano's wedding and the dress I wore looked pretty darn good. I didn't look preggers and it has been a long time since I've been able to say that! LOL

I did 2 miles today in 30 mins! It felt really good to run today. I'm back in the game! I told myself I couldn't do the blog until I did some physical activity, I'm glad I got off my ass today. I made a really bomb salad for dinner today also. Yesterday I got mad at Gilbert because I wanted to get a pizza from Papa Murphy's (this is after a weekend of eating what we wanted, in semi moderation) and he said he didn't want to because it felt really good to get compliments this weekend and he wanted to keep it going.. :) So I was mad. I felt really stupid after I got mad at him for that..haha I guess I'm glad we didn't get it, I'll save it for this weekend I guess.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 22...not my best day

Today wasn't a good day. I ate well...but I'm sooo hungry for some reason, it's making me grouchy. :(

I just want to go to bed.

I think I will.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day habits formed

I heard that after 20 days of doing something it becomes a habit? This is day 21 and I'm loving my new life..:)

I went to go and order my bridesmaid dress for my brother and Holly's wedding and I was able to order a size smaller!! Wee Hoo!

I went to a co-workers bbq/garden party and I was soooo super happy cause I got a new outfit and knew it was a cute outfit, but wasn't sure if it would look good on me, it did :) I'm not were I want to be weight wise or fit wise, but I'm working on it! I feeeeeeelllllllll ggggggrrrrreat!

Thanks for all the encouragement everyone. I hope you know that I hope I can be an encouragement to you as well. ♥

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 20...Runner's underwear

Ok, I need some tips here...what kind of underwear are best when running. For that matter...what kinds of clothing is good for running. I can't wait until I'm fit enough just to run in a fitted tank and running capri's :)

I'm was thinking, now I'm pretty sure I'm going to do the Spokane Indian's 8k race. I know it is soon and I've only started running, but I'm excited and I want to start somewhere! I can walk if I need too...Run and walk it, that's what I'm going to do. We even get free tickets to the Spokane Indian's game that night. They have a 1k for the kids too and I'm going to sign them up because I really want my kids to just think running is fun!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 19..what I can and cannot do

I weighed myself today...... 215!!! Wee Hoo!!! :) :) :) :)
It's working, it's working!! I can totally do this! I like doing this!!! :) :) :)

Now to just keep on keeping on...Huh Comadre Lydia? :)

When I go to a restaurant...I don't want to buy a salad..I want to by something good and yummy...salads aren't good and yummy to me yet..LOL
So, maybe I should take a break from restaurants for a little while, until I start really seeing some good progress.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 18... comparisons

Today I was at work. I thought I was looking pretty good, a little frumpy, but not feeling so fat :) My hubs even complimented me very nicely this morning.... Love him.

And.... There was this lady I met with that was wearing no bra...and a small sun dress......and about a size 25 or more... Said to me.... "You know us big girls, since we are about the same size... and you know how us latin girls are, because I'm 1/2 Portuguese..." Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

I cannot wait for an athletic girl to compare herself to me.... :) And let me tell you, it will happen!

I didn't have a chance to exercise and I ate some things that I probably shouldn't have...I didn't over eat too much...LOL I'm suppose to weigh myself tomorrow. We'll see what happens.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 17...slow and steady

Slow and steady wins the race.... slow and steady also makes it easier to run the distance! On tonight's run I was concentrating on my pace and the way my feet hit the ground. What a help! I ran 1.5, not with total ease...but easier than when I first started running! Thanks for the tip Kelly!

I am working on my health and weight, but more than that I'm working on my mind, body and soul. I feel like I've been lost for sometime now. I'm finally finding myself. It's not an easy journey. But it is one I am really enjoying every step of the way.

As you all might know, I've signed up Emma for T-ball, she starts on June 30th. We got an email from the Y that they were in need of a guess who volunteered!! :) I told Emma and awe, my baby girl, I wish you all could see how excited she was! ♥

As Boy George says, "Time won't give me time." And this is going to take some time. I will get there and stay there, because you know what? I'm liking this me...the real me, more and more and more everyday. P.S. I'm pretty excited that I like to run! Who would've known?? :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 16...Lifestyle Changes

I want to start off by saying I really appreciate everyone's encouragement. I am truly blessed with the best family and best friends that are my family in the world.

A list of things that will make my life a little easier...(a reminder of sorts)
1. wake up a little early.
That's the only one I can think of right now...LOL
Maybe because I'm running late..... :)

Oh yah, and Love myself. It was hard to take that pic of myself and post it on facebook. I didn't realize it but I over came a fear that day.

I went for a morning run. Yay! Felt GREAT!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 15...I can't go back

I gained back 2 lbs.
I can't go back.
I haven't exercised since Friday. I've thought about it every day since then. :(
I counted all my calories today and ate well. Back to exercising tomorrow.

It takes time to get my lunch prepared in the morning, it takes time to go for a walk/jog in the morning. I guess I'll have to start waking up at 5. I'm feeling like I need to FOR SURE wake up tomorrow and go for a run, because I know me, if I don't...I'll feel like crap and give it up again and go and buy a super sized meal at Mickey D's with a friggen strawberry milkshake! Ugh.

I'm frustrated with myself. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 14...Father's day

I didn't have a very successful exercise or eat well weekend. I'm not getting on the scale again until Friday because I'm kinda scared... :(

We had a wonderful Father's day today. My hubby fried up some halibut and cod, we bbq'd a salmon and had my wonderful family and wonderful friends over. For sides instead of the usual Mexican rice and potato salad, we had spinach strawberry salad, broccoli cashew salad and fruit salad. I also baked some red potatoes! So delicious. I did feel good about having more green in our choice of foods.

Thanks so much to my hubs for cooking up all the fish. I love him so much and couldn't ask for a better Father for my children. I'm one lucky lady. ♥

I love my Dad for all he has sacrificed over the years for my brothers and I. He is a great Dad and an even better Lelo for my kids. :)

Once again, thank goodness tomorrow is a New Day!
I'm still not over how many calories my favorite Starbucks drink is...curses to you Starbucks! ha ha

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 13...Did I really want to know?

I realized a sad reality today. I knew it was true, but.... I didn't ever want to know. A Venti, White Chocolate Mocha is..... 510 friggen CALORIES!!!!!!! Oh man. Why...why...why... :( I had one this morning.... and it will be my last one. I don't need a friggen drink to be 510 CALORIES!!!!!! ugh.

Kelli, Terri's sis told me about this super awesome website. Map My Run. You go to Pick out your route and it tells you how far you run! I still have yet to figure it out and do some exploring on it...but YEAH!! I'm excited! It was good to get some advice from Kell. Thanks Kell!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 12... Trials and Tribulations

I got a little discouraged today....
I know, I know this is not going to be overnight. I will use the discouragement to motivate me.... I haven't eaten a lot....but I haven't eaten that good either. I worked 2x at Pier1 this week and when I got home I ate. That was at 10pm....not good. I haven't gained anything, but no loss either, so I'm still at 218. Gil picks up the kids after work, so I ran on the treadmill at work right after work today. I ran a mile without stopping again, then I walked .5. So, I'm glad I got my workout in for the day. I got a new CD from Lydia today and I'm going to download it on my iPod for a new running playlist! I'm super excited.

I want to be that person that is in shape and doesn't have to worry about having a spare tire. Sometimes I really hate my body. I wish I could shift some fat from my waist to my butt!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 11...I did it!

I ran 1 mile without stopping!!! I'm so proud of myself! I need to do some sit ups regularly. I feel good, but when I look in the mirror, I feel bad :( ugh.

I gotta go, work at Pier1 is calling me.... :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 10..One more down

I lost another lb. I'm down to 218, yeah!!

I cannot wait for my feet not to kill me when I wear heels.

I have yet to exercise today, it was raining and windy so no walk down at the park today. Does anyone think that when you get healthier your hair gets shinier? I have so far to go, but my confidence is already shooting through the roof! Come on body! Catch up with my mind!! haha

Off to Gil's softball game. Does chasing the kids around or watching my husband exercise count as exercise? haha

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 9...the things I didn't learn

I weighed my self this morning and I'm still at 219. I was kinda bummed. I know it can't all come off at once, but oh how I want it to! I'm sore in my stomach and my pain no gain right?
I went for a 2 mile walk on my lunch. I am very lucky to work walking distance from Riverfront Park. It's so nice to walk/job down there.

I cannot believe that in just 9 days, I feel super good! I know I am moving in the right direction and I had a conversation with Ang today and as long as I do just something everyday and control my portions I will be just fine. I know I was bummed when I saw that I didn't loose anything from before the weekend...(haha) But at least I didn't gain!

I am glad that I am making a conscious effort to change my bad habits. It's sooooo easy to eat bad and be lazy, but it doesn't feel good. I feel great with my new habits that I'm forming.

P.S. Shoedazzle now has handbags and jewelry.. :) If you haven't checked it out by now, you really gotta!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 8...Do I like me?

I cannot wait to sit down and not have my spare tire show. I don't want to feel my gut on my upper legs anymore. I want to take a picture again and not have to hide in the back. I used to love pictures.
I don't want this to be a sad blog, I just want to express every thought I'm having along the way.

Things are going well. I'm feeling really good. I can even feel my posture getting stronger. I did the Power 90 workout DVD today. I hate jumping and feeling my gut bounce. But I know slowly but surely it will go away. I'm doing really well at portion control, that feels awesome. I finally feel like I'm not eating emotionally. LOL We went grocery shopping today and I got some strawberries and oranges and bananas. I am also trying Newman's own light dressings for my lunch salads (thanks for the tip my non friend Courtney :) ) Tomorrow I am going to walk on my lunch and weigh myself. I'm excited.

It is amazing how the pounds start adding up and my confidence started going down. I need to realize I'm me no matter what. I love me. I love that I am motivated to live a healthier life, inside and out. It will only be better for not only me but my husband and my kids. I'm very happy that I can start teaching them good, healthy habits as I am learning them now. I want to tell that living healthy is so important for your overall well being.

Pump you up song for the day: Katy Perry, California Girls

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 7...It hurts...

I was being so stubborn when I started this journey, and I didn't want to hear anyone tell me that I need to take it easy, slow down, don't push myself too hard. I didn't want to hear that. I wanted my body to keep up with my mind. I've never felt this motivated! I wanted to run with pun intended. And guess what.... My dang bum knee was so swollen yesterday. Boooooo. I was very sad. But I just took it easy on it yesterday. Consulted with Lyd and Jenni. Thought about it, and I will run 3x a week. I won't push myself THAT hard. On my off days from running I will walk, ride my brand new bike that the hubs bought me and tonight I did the biggest looser DVD I bought like 6 months ago and never used! haha In the biggest looser workout it had some Yoga, I don't like Yoga. But I can see how it is good for you. Kinda like Veggies and me.
It is sooooo easy to gain all this weight. Not so easy to take it off. My grandma told me to make sure I get if off before I'm 50..haha Sheesh! I hope to get it off by the time I'm 36! I don't want to be uncomfortable anymore! I want to wear jeans and a t-shirt and feel sexy!
I guess all in all, I cannot wait for my body to catch up with my mind!
I weighed myself today.... down to 219! Holler!
Life is and will continue to be good.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 6...Good thoughts

I'm so glad I got up for a morning jog. I was feeling a bit down. I know you can't loose 100 lbs in a week, but I would like to snap and have all this fat be gone.
The morning was so crisp with the sun shining, I put on a playlist of nostalgic songs and the morning run was super awesome, I got lost in good thoughts from the past, thoughts of my life now and what could be. My new goal is to run 1 mile straight with out walking. I made it to .82. I'm proud of myself! I'm so glad I found out I like to run. I can't wait to run with out having the feeling of my stomach (baby carrying gut) bounce.. :( I know that sounds gross but it is the truth.
Does anyone have any good fruit suggestions for snacks? Like easy ones to cut up and take with me. The only think I can think about is chocolate pudding and chips ahoy cookies! haha
I haven't weighed myself since Thursday. I need to get a scale. I feel good though.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 5... I'm full

It feels good when you eat and realize you are full and stop eating.... What a concept! I used to eat and eat and eat because it tasted so good and I didn't want to stop. Well today I went out to lunch with a good friend for her Birthday and I ordered my meal with brown rice instead of white and I only ate 1/2 and saved the other half for dinner. I know it sounds like big deal Sonya, but it is a big deal to an over eater! I did have a little cup of chocolate dessert, I think I must have worked that off at Pier1 tonight, it was busy!

Pump you up song for the day: She Wolf by Skakira

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 4...Busy? Or just excuses?

I was dreading writing today's entry....
But, I'm here, I'm going to be totally honest like I said I would. I cannot gain anything by lying to myself... and you guys can kick my ass if you need too. :)

I ate at Applebee's yesterday after my hubby's softball game, where by the way he hit 2 BOMBS! Not only over the TALL fence, but over the building as well! Lemme tell you it was far! I just had to give him that little shout out. And I knew, I knew we would probably go somewhere to eat...and I told myself over and that I should just go home after the game, eat a salad or something... But, I caved I went. I still had a second chance, I could order a salad at Applebee's right? Nope, didn't instead we had 1/2 price appetizers. ....and Yes, I say appetizerS. So, even still I told myself yesterday...Ok, I'll eat here go home and do some stairs or do a workout video. Nope.... went to bed.

So, here we are today....Day 4, my busy life.... I did work all day at my day job, and I'm on my way out the door to Pier night job :) I ate healthy today. Went for a 2 mile walk/job on my lunch. So, I guess today was another day. And so is tomorrow. I did weight myself today. When I weighed myself on Tues. I weighed 223 lbs. Today, I was at 220 lbs. Down 3.

K...more tomorrow, I got to get to work!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 3...exercise good...Eating bad

I figured it out, I like to exercise, it makes me feel good. Even being sore makes me feel good, like I'm accomplishing something... But eating right...ugh. That's HARD! I ate pretty good yesterday but had 2 moments of weakness. A few red vines and a package of peanut M&M's. I also went on a nice walk! 2 miles on my lunch. It was a perfect day for a walk. Also, when I got home after dinner...I ate chocolate pudding. I read a post from a friend on Facebook...that made me sad. He said he did a 4 mile run and ruined it by eating an ice cream sundae. :( I love ice cream. I don't want to look at eating an ice cream sundae as bad. I refuse. I just won't eat them every day! haha
I was so tired last night that I went to bed early and woke up late. I must vow to walk or jog tonight for my 20-30 mins (at least). My nike+ really makes it enjoyable! Keeping up with physical activity isn't hard, it is the eating healthy that is not easy. I have to learn to eat right. My health and success at losing weight is depending on it!
My pump you up song for today is Sexy Bitch by David Guetta feat. Akon

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 2... and counting....

I couldn't sleep last night.... Believe it or not I was excited to start my "new day" (a phrase used by me and my Mole and thanks to Chicken Little) I told myself that I would wake up at 5 and enjoy the morning. I DID! Another 1.73 miles! It felt so good! I am usually very self conscious when I run in public, verses on a treadmill, that I have to wear sunglasses. No sunglasses today my friends! I'm true to my word and letting it all hang out until there is none to hang out! LOL Today is a new day. I am going to make the most of it. I will vow not to eat dairy or breads today. I know I can do it. Now off to shower and cook a healthy breakfast for my family who is still snoring.
Check ya later!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 1 of many...

So, I hit my fat girl rock bottom about a week ago. Actually...I've hit fat girl rock bottom many times, but finally am acknowledging it. How did I know? Well it began with me being embarrassed to see people I haven't seen in a long time. I was embarrassed to see them, because mind you, I've never been skinny...but I've never been this BIG! I am also tired of not fitting anything that has a button and a zipper...ugh. Another clue... I am finally embarrassed to say my weight. When I hit 150 (about 10 years ago) no biggie. 170....still could say it out loud. 190 after I had my kids....still OK. 226...getting harder...but could say it out loud. I weighed myself last night....230. I am mortified. Funny how a number could set me off. I just thought, wow...230? really? I would have to loose 100 lbs to feel normal. Ugh. How could I let myself get this way. Another thing.... My daughter (who is 4) asked me when I am going to be done growing the baby in my tummy. Ok, time to loose some weight. I think about it constantly. Now tonight, I took the first step in doing something about it! I have a few friends that have been motivating me along the way. First my friend Lyd.....took up running. I am admirable of her and wanted to do the same. She has been really motivating me to do something about my weight. I don't want to be the fattest girl at our girl get togethers..:) I have to start! My friend Terri... started weight watchers and lost 4 lbs by following the weight watchers! She is a good motivator and a wonderful encourager! I have to start! Tera, she has been doing work out videos and I think eating healthy too.... I've been very proud of her also...I have to start! My sis in law Sonia, I know she has a gym membership and I am jealous when I hear she is going to the gym.. :) I have to start! My friend Ang, she is always eating healthy snacks and living a healthy life. She likes to work out at the gym too and we talk about going for walks too... I have to start! So, what I am trying to say is that I have lots of support. My husband even wants to loose weight and we are starting to be on the same page, because usually we are competitive with each other in all the wrong ways. Like he will be on board with exercise and weight loss and I won't...and vice versa. I have some goals. Here they are. 1. to be healthy. I do not want to be the fat mom on the sidelines when my kids are playing sports. I want to be in shape to run along side my kids. I don't want them to have my bad habits. 2. I want to look good! I am tired of being the fat, funny girl (thanks to Jenni from the block for this). I have my brothers wedding coming up and a couple of girls trips. I just want to be able to be comfortable. I'm not any more. 3. I feel that I am finally in the prime of my life and I don't want to be overweight. I want to be healthy inside and out.
Tonight, I was sitting on my bed ready to start my nightly tradition of laying in front of the TV and I told my friend Lyd, I should go running huh...she said, "yes! how far" I said a mile. She gave me a good idea to start with 20 mins. I took my nike+ and set for 20 mins. I ended with 1.72 miles and averaging a 12 min mile! I can't wait to run again tomorrow!